Nectar – Merida, Yucatan

A quick note to my loyal readers… yesterday afternoon went for a late lunch/early dinner at Nectar, which has recently been ‘reinaugurated’ as they say in these parts.

The Casual Restaurant Critic is happy to report that the food is still excellent. Duck chimichangas, tzic de venado on a toston of fried bananas, tender sirloin steak with a roasted cranberry sauce, fettucine in a chipotle cream, and other goodies were had.

My only critique would be that they change their welcoming script. As the party was being seated and menus were presented, the head waiter informed the table that they were showing off their new, revamped menu. “Yes” he continued, “we took off the more expensive items and left the ones that are not so pricey.” Well the Critic knows enough not to go to Nectar to save money and so this comment was just dumb. It would have been better (ITCHO) to mention the new items on the menu and emphasize that a lot of the old favorites are still there.

Oh, and always, serve the ladies first. And fix the coffee machine.

3 appetizers, 4 main courses, a glass of red wine and 3 Perrier waters – $1400.

3 thoughts on “Nectar – Merida, Yucatan

  1. I was astonished to find a recipe for tzic de venado on the web! Does this sound like what you enjoyed?
    Kilo y medio de pierna o brazo de venado cocido (Puede sustituirse por la misma cantidad de falda de res)

    Sal y pimienta al gusto

    Hojas de orégano seco al gusto

    Hojas de plátano

    2 Manojos de rábano

    2 Manojos de cilantro seco

    100gr de cebolla blanca

    6 Naranjas agrias


    1.- Se envuelve el venado o la res (previamente cocidos) en hojas de plátano, con sal, pimienta y orégano en hoja, luego se tapa bien y se hornea durante aproximadamente 15 minutos o hasta que la hoja se seque.

    2.- Se deshebra la carne muy fina y se le agrega el rábano, cilantro y cebolla ya picados en forma de cuadritos muy finos.

    3.- Se agrega el jugo de 4 naranjas agrias (Pelándolas antes de exprimirlas para evitar que quede amargo y se sazona con sal. Se deja reposar dentro del refrigerador, moviéndolo regularmente.

    4.- Se sirve frio o acompañado de un cuarto de naranja agria pelada.

    Nota: Puede servirse con aguacate, tomate, lechuga, chile habanero y como guarnición frijol colado y tortillas de maíz.

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