TelMex Still Sucks

Just a had an adrenaline moment with my online TelMex account. Since the sucky Servicio Postal Mexicano can not deliver your telephone bills (or IMSS statements for that matter if you are a business) on time, you ceck your calendar and see that it’s time to pay but of course you have no idea what you owe. Also, in case you don’t use the calendar option, TelMex calls its’ customers with a recorded message saying that you are important to them and you need to pay now.

So you go to TelMexs’ drive through window and pay there. Just give them your number and get the receipt. But say you have a business, and you need to have the actual bill. Or you are curious and want to see what charges, surcharges and extras they charged you this month. You consult your online account, where you can print out your telephone statements. Unless of course, your log in doesn’t work. Then you are screwed.
1. You try all your login password username combinations.
2. It sends you to the business page. You try there.
3. It sends you to the Mi TelMex page. You are then sent back to the business page. Return to 3

And so on. So you register again. With the new info, you try to log in again. It sends you back to 2

There is a button for online help. You click that and a human called Oswaldo answers you. What is your problem? Can’t log in. Call 1-800 bla bla bla. BIG help there, Oswaldo.

I hate monopolies.

Have a great day, all.

3 thoughts on “TelMex Still Sucks

  1. Maybe a positive story can make you a little happy.

    Power supply of the modem went down, thanks to CFE (another story).

    Call to TelMex to replace the thing.

    Within 4 hours after the call I had a brand new modem, free.

    Did I tell you that is was on a Sunday?

  2. But…Cablemas sucks…

    We probably all know 'Cablemas, es tu idea'…

    Well here's their idea.

    They give you the 'flexibilidad' to pay the bill at f.i. OXXO.

    Very nice people, would you think.
    But it is hidden in the very small letters.

    The invoice is due the 'vencimiento' of each month, and each month a 125cc driver is throwing the invoice somewhere on your front yard, even when there is a mailbox glued to the front fence with big letters 'MAIL'.

    Can't help it, the Merida Home Depot was selling the damn thing with that text painted on it.
    You should think it is a local service and at least someone would know where it stands for.

    The above mentioned 125cc driver, a local danger for people actually using the 'sidewalk', (but hey we are all forced to jaywalk if we do not want to break our neck), is throwing the invoices 2 to 3 days before the vencimiento day.

    The same throwing day you hurry over to OXXO to pay the bill.
    Everything OK do you think?

    Well, this time 'es solamenta tu idea'.

    The next month Cablemas is charging you 50 pesos as 'Cargo por Pago Extemporaneo'….con IVA…

    The secret?

    'Puedes realizar tu pago en OXXO hasta 4 dias posteriores a tu vencimiento'.

    My local 125cc thrower is never more than 3 days posteriores my vencimiento.

    I get a service that I can't use.

    Es tu idea.
    Even the 'Servicio a clientes' can do nothing about it.

    And that is also 'tu idea' should you think they will try do something about it.

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